FXPlus SU Sustainability Award - Winner
Open to any individual or group who has displayed significant passion and drive for campus or community sustainability efforts. This can be demonstrated by:
Significant endeavour in sustainability projects
Great enthusiasm and ability to motivate others to get involved
Original and inventive ideas to engage students in sustainability actions
Inspires others and leads by example
Inclusive sustainability events open to a wide range of students
Raises awareness and educates others in sustainability
'Collaborating with Cornwall Council STEM coordinator Janine Bisson, Libby delivered numerous ‘bioplastic from seaweed’ workshops at schools. Libby’s work is interdisciplinary, taking her background and interest in chemistry and applying it to product design. Her workshops inspired young people to seek opportunities for science and design based careers with a clear focus on sustainability. To create these experiences for students while completing her final year is a impressive and inspiring feat.'